Pieces of our minds

Our blog is a safe bubble of parody, sarcasm and occasionally caustic wit, with lightly camouflaged pearls of wisdom sprinkled throughout. We’ve been known to cast an aspersion or two and are prone to calling out hustle culture shenanigans on the reg.

Sorry, but I’m not content with content
TJ Bennett TJ Bennett

Sorry, but I’m not content with content

Content is a terrible word and we all know it. And yet, we embrace it. Why? Self-esteem issues? Don’t want to rock the boat? Laziness? Whatever it is, I’m not fully on board.

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The end of hustle culture.
TJ Bennett TJ Bennett

The end of hustle culture.

Nothing wrong with a little hustle. But let’s not make a religion out of it, okay? Let the work product do the talking for you. No need to tell everyone how badly you crushed it.

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The right kind of progress.
TJ Bennett TJ Bennett

The right kind of progress.

Really thinking a lot about humanity lately. As technological progress marches on how can we retain what makes us, us? Is it completely out of our hands?

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“Mmmmm… thoughts”

— Homer Simpson - Nuclear Safety Inspector, Springfield Nuclear Power Plant

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