It’s time to
We spend about half our waking lives working (or more, because advertising). Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we?
Who We Are
TJ Bennett
Coach. Creator. Chief Desuckifier.
Often beclad in cat-themed and/or Snoopy gear, TJ is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Once you find him, you’ll discover that his love for felines and cartoon beagles is matched by a mildly unhealthy obsession with making work not suck.
What We Do
We help ad agencies become amazing places to work.
You use your creativity to solve massive client problems every day. You’re good at it. What if we turned that creativity inward? To solve some of the biggest challenges agencies face, like:
High Turnover
Low Employee Engagement
Poor Communication (solve this one, solve almost everything)
AI freakouts
Stress & Mental Health issues
Client conflict
No time for big picture thinking
New business stagnation
Lack of fun. Remember Fun?
We’ll develop an actual creative brief for this work, together. It may be the most important one you’ve ever worked on.
Ready to start yours? Let’s talk.
Ad agencies are notoriously bad at communication. This not so delicious irony is at the heart of what ails us.
How we do it
Find your voice, find the answer to most of your problems. Fast.
Do you kiss your mom with that mouth? The way we talk to ourselves is brutal. We judge, question, accuse and belittle ourselves into shells of who we could be. Let’s stop doing that and start becoming more self aware. So we can tell better stories to that human being in the mirror.
That thing you think everyone knows? They don’t. Much like advertising, we need to repeat ourselves quite a bit to be truly heard. Your may know your values, purpose and strategy inside out (and if not, we can help). Either way, let’s make sure the whole team gets it.
Agencies are from Mars. Clients are from Uranus. We kid, we kid. Kind of. Fact is, most agency/client relationships are unnecessarily adversarial. And whoever’s fault you think it is, you’re probably wrong.
The only thing more ironic than poor agency communication is poor agency branding and marketing. Why are we so bad at this? Perhaps it’s because we think we can do it alone, even though we’ve told every client from the beginning of time that this isn’t possible.
Only creativity can stop the suck.

Where Our Name Comes From
Founder TJ Bennett explains:
“It started with a conversation with our cat, Marvin. I asked where he’d been all day and he told me he just got home from his job at the pudding factory. What a wonderful place to work, I remember thinking, as we high-fived and made our way to the couch to watch hockey.”
And so, The Pudding Factory was born.
Marvin is no longer with us, proudly making tuna-flavored pudding with his siblings Sophie and Randy up on the rainbow bridge. We think he’d be proud of the work we’re doing down here too.