A bout, A boat, A boot
TJ Bennett
Coach. Creator. Chief Desuckifier.
Often beclad in cat-themed and/or Snoopy gear, TJ is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Once you find him, you’ll discover that his love for felines and cartoon beagles is matched by a mildly unhealthy obsession with making work not suck. He spends his days listening intently to clients, helping them uncover insights that spark life-altering possibilities. And he spends his nights dreaming of the same thing, except everyone is dressed like clowns and he forgot to wear pants for some reason. Rest assured he will never show up to a session sans trousers and will always show up with a fresh perspective that makes you think about work a little differently.

Where I’ve been
What I’ve learned
Things I’ve discovered in my 25+ year career as an advertising executive, creative director and writer
After about the ten thousandth rejected idea, you start to realize you may not be perfect.
Somehow, after all that rejection, you come up with idea number 10,001 and 10,002 and, well, you get it.
People show up to work with all of their life inside of them. It’s helpful to remember that, always.
Gut Trustability
A lot of learning happens below the surface, through experience. Some call that wisdom, others like to use goofy made-up words to describe it instead.
You put out enough fires, you start to realize which ones have the power to do real damage and which ones are just a distraction (hint: most are just distractions).
Who I’ve collaborated with
Ever have a conversation with a friend, family member or co-worker that was completely free from judgment or bias?
Me neither. But I have with a coach. Because that’s the job we’re trained for.
Coaching has changed my life. I’m here today, doing what I love, because I worked with coaches who gave me the space to figure out what was true for me. If you’d like to have the same experience, let’s talk.
Our Values
You can’t find answers if you don’t ask lots of questions, like the most delightfully annoying 4-year old.
We spend most of our time down rabbit holes; that’s where the best insights live.
Do the right thing, even when it seems like the wrong thing. Especially then.
A steady stream of snark is needed to take on the ever-growing population of snake oil salespersons in our midst.
If we don’t think things can be better, what the heck are we doing here?

Our Expertise
A few of our favorite skills
BS detection
Jargon purging
Making molehills out of mountains
Not overthinking it
Simplifying the complex
Speaking in plain English
Business stuff we’re really good at
Executive Coaching
Career Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Culture Coaching
Team Coaching
Internal Communications Coaching
Internal Brand Strategy
Conceptual Thinking
Non-business stuff we’re really good at
Air Cello
Anti-social media
Cat whispering
Falling asleep while reading
Hair parting
Pretending to use a CB radio
Whistling on the inhale
Little round things that prove that we’ve learned a few things
I’m a coach for people who think coaching might be BS.
No gimmicks, synthetic sunshine or hustle culture nonsense here, just some proven approaches that can help you do more of what you were meant to do during our brief stay on this planet.
Humanity. Autonomy. Creativity.
Our vision for a desuckified future.
Work from Anywhere
Let’s remove the barriers to great talent and great relationships. One of the greatest benefits of technology is the ability to work anywhere. Let’s embrace that and find ways to make remote work more collaborative and fun.
Human Centered Innovation
Let’s figure out how to make the workplace (and the world) a bit more human. Technology offers so much possibility, but only if we never lose sight of its ultimate purpose—to make our lives better.
Non-traditional career paths
You know all that advice you got about sticking to a plan, following the rules and never making a decision that someone, somewhere might possibly find fault with? Fuck that shit. It’s time to do what you actually want.
The 4-day workweek
You ever work a 4-day week? It was pretty awesome, wasn’t it? And somehow, you found a way to get all of your crap done. You may have even been more focused and inspired, leading to some groundbreaking ideas. Let’s do all of that more often, shall we?
Fractional work is seeping its way into the corporate consciousness as we speak. But not fast enough, in our opinion. The benefits are clear—less ageism, more inclusivity, access to more high-end talent. All of which will dramatically improve your culture. Because culture is all about creating an environment that shows people you give a shit. And giving people more options to contribute is pretty darn give a shitty if you ask us.

How we compare to America’s favorite flat-tailed rodent.
“One of the most profound experiences of my life.”
— Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of the United States, savior of the union