
The DesuckifyWork® Podcast

We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we? And let’s chat with desuckifiers who are out there making it happen, every day. Interested in coming on the show? Send a note to tj@thepuddingfactory.net.

Guests to date have included:

Jason Fried: Co-Founder, 37Signals
Diana Wu David: Author, Future Proof: Reinventing Work in the Age of Acceleration
Mark DiMassimo: Founder, DiGo Brands
Chloé Valdary: Founder, Theory of Enchantment
Allyn Goodrich: Author, October Strong
Chris Dyer: Former CEO; Author, The Power of Company Culture
Gary Ware: Founder, Breakthrough Play
Ryan Berman: Founder, Courageous
Jocelyn Brady: Brain Coach, Creator of StoryScience™

Work sucks less when we have better conversations. Conversations that are clear, transparent and rooted in trust.

The occasional laugh or smile once in a while wouldn’t hurt either.

“The greatest thing I’ve ever heard.”

— Jamie Sommers, former pro tennis player, middle school teacher, cyborg