The only way to be successful is to be yourself.
So, who are you?
Who We Are
TJ Bennett
Coach, Creative Problem Solver, Writer
Often beclad in cat-themed and/or Snoopy gear, TJ is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Once you find him, you’ll discover that his love for felines and cartoon beagles is matched by a mildly unhealthy obsession with solving problems.
What We Do
We help people and brands figure out who they really are. So they can be who they really want to be.
Ever wonder why some things give you superhero energy and others make you feel like a deep fried slug slathered in sticky sauce? We can help you understand.
Every project, big or small, needs to start with WHY. Why do you do what you do? And why should anyone give two poops? Once we figure that out, anything is possible.
Success without truth is not success.
If anything, it’s the worst kind of failure, one we can never learn from if we remain blind to the lies that prop it up.

Where Our Name Comes From
Founder TJ Bennett explains:
“It started with a conversation with my cat, Marvin. I asked where he’d been all day and he told me he just got home from his job at the pudding factory. What a wonderful place to work, I remember thinking, as we high-fived and made our way to the couch to watch hockey.”
And so, The Pudding Factory was born. For his efforts, Marvin receives a royalty payment (tuna flavored) every time someone mentions our company name. So tell a friend. For, Marvin.