It’s time to
We spend about half our waking lives working. Let’s make that time a bit better, shall we?
Who We Are
TJ Bennett
Coach. Creator. Chief Desuckifier.
Often beclad in cat-themed and/or Snoopy gear, TJ is pretty easy to spot in a crowd. Once you find him, you’ll discover that his love for felines and cartoon beagles is matched by a mildly unhealthy obsession with making work not suck.
What We Believe
Work sucks less when we know why we do it.
Why some projects energize us and others drain us.
Why we connect so easily to some folks and others drive us mad.
Why we care so much. Or don’t care at all.
Why we feel burnt out even though we “should” be happy.
Want to fall in love with work again?
Your why is your way.
Find your why, find your voice.
Find your voice, find the answer to most of your problems, fast.
What We Do
Coaching for creative souls who crave more
You are the creative director of you.
You do amazing work on behalf of others, pulling everything you can from yourself to solve incredibly complicated problems.
But how much of that creative energy are you putting into your own needs? Needs like:
🐱 Doing work that inspires you
🐱 Finding your purpose
🐱 Being a better leader
🐱 Running a creative business
🐱 Dealing with difficult people
🐱 Creating a thriving team culture
🐱 Work life integration
🐱 Spending more time with your cats
There is no greater project than the one you are living each day. And the more attention you put towards it, the better you’ll show up, everywhere.
At work. At home. With your friends. With that guy who always says “hey” to you at the gym but you can’t remember his name and now it’s been too many “heys” so you can’t just say, “sorry what’s your name again” without looking like a giant turd.
Would you hire you, based on the job you’re doing with this project?
If not, it may be time to hire us.
You may think you have to choose between hustle culture insanity and DGAF nihilism.
The truth is, there are approximately 8 billion possibilities between those two options. We can help you find yours.
How we can work together
We can customize any program. Or come up with a program that’s never existed before in the history of programs. Or, we can use a word other than “program” to describe the work we do together. Let’s get creative!
Reach out today so we can start developing your perfect programajig.
6 months of group coaching
2 sessions per monthStarting at $1,000
6 months of one-on-one coaching
2 sessions per monthStarting at $5,000
6 months of team coaching
2 sessions per monthStarting at $10,000

Where Our Name Comes From
Founder TJ Bennett explains:
“It started with a conversation with our cat, Marvin. I asked where he’d been all day and he told me he just got home from his job at the pudding factory. What a wonderful place to work, I remember thinking, as we high-fived and made our way to the couch to watch hockey.”
And so, The Pudding Factory was born.
Marvin is no longer with us, proudly making tuna-flavored pudding with his siblings Buford, Sophie and Randy up on the rainbow bridge. We think he’d be proud of the work we’re doing down here too.